Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me Monday

This week - I did NOT wander all over Tom Thumb with two kids in my TV cart trying to find my husband with one kid in his TV cart literally in circles for literally 10 minutes. That would be ridiculous. 

I do NOT love those TV carts and wonder what I will do if I ever show up at the store and they are all taken. 

I did NOT schedule surgery for my first born this week. I am NOT at all freaked out by it and I am NOT researching all over the internet obsessively. 

Our Pediatric Surgeon did NOT get a funny smile on his face when I asked him a bunch of questions that I had obviously come up with while researching on the internet. 

My husband and aforementioned Surgeon did NOT each take an arm of my beautiful first born and jump her up and down like a Jumping Jack with all three of them giggling and grinning like fools trying to make the hernia "pop" out. 

This in no way shape or form made me nervous. 

After a Costco trip my husband did NOT take every shelf out of the fridge and scrub it top to bottom until it was sparkling white. 

This was NOT the hottest thing he has done in a really long time. That would make me a little sad - right? 

I did NOT love him more at that moment than I ever have. 

I do NOT still grin when I open that fridge a trillion times a day.


heidi said...

The fridge thing made me grin. The jumping thing made me cringe. The store with TV carts made me jealous.

Great list. :-)

Crazee Juls said...

LOL, every time my hubs does the dishes, I tell him how hot he is... You know, the two times that's actually happened around here... So I could totally relate to the fridge story! :-) And we'll be praying for the upcoming surgery, everything will be just fine!

Tam said...

LOL I loved you NOT ME MONDAY....LOL