Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Cupcake Update


Well - I gotta tell you people - this Cupcake is IN THE WEEDS!!!!! I am having a little trouble keeping up! I was so excited to get into January and for things to slow down. Well - all I can say about that is - so far - not so much.

I have been making it to the gym and counting my calories and my last weigh in I was sitting happily at 153.1 so I am pretty pleased about that. I really do have a scale post in my head that I am going to put on paper - er computer - sooner than later I promise!

Right now I am having to embrace crock pot cooking and very much looking forward to the kids being off of school for the next 4 days. Tomorrow morning you know where we are going?????

Nowhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!!

Got any good crockpot recipes to share?????? PLEEEEAAAASEEEE???


Rita said...

One of my favourite thing; cooking in my Crockpot/Slowcookeré I use it at least once or twice a week for the past 40 years. I have afew recipe here that you can check out

Foursons said...

Congrats on the weight loss. I always google crockpot recipes and never bookmark them so it's almost impossible to find the good ones again. I know- I'm genius material.