Friday, January 15, 2010

Dear House,

Dear House,
You are clean. I worked very hard to get you that way. Our poor washer and dryer is feeling very tired. They did a lot of loads today and they would also like for me to put in a nice word.......
Is there any way you could just stop getting messy? Could you stop churning out dirty clothes and dirty dishes? Any chance you could just somehow find a way to install a special unit to evaporate the cheerios when they hit the floor? Could you cut me some slack and get that pug to stop chewing crayons? Maybe you could deliver an electrical shock to any child you drops a toy? Ohhh here is a good idea - SELF SCRUBBING TOILETS! Surely you could do that for me.....
Letters of Intent


Foursons said...

If this letter works, let me know. I want to send it to my house too.

Thanks for linking up, congrats on your clean house!