Saturday, February 26, 2011

Today we welcomed to our family.....

A Pug named Frank
and we are very happy to have him!

The long story short for anyone interested in why the crazy lady would get another dog with her house on the market and about to move to another state is....
As soon as we found out that we were staying in the states we said that we would get Penelope Anne a brother.
We wanted a rescue.
We did not want a puppy.
We wanted a boy.
We needed him to be good with kids.

And so - we walked into Petsmart today to buy Penny some dog food - and there was Frank. Three years old and the perfect pug for us.

I called my Mom and said,

"Well - we just did something insane."
She said

I said

"Well - we just got a pug named Frank"

She laughed really hard - for a long time.

It was pretty great.


Foursons said...

Awe! Sometimes it's just meant to be.

Happy Campers said...

Please, please, please tell me they call him "Fwank"!!!!