Sunday, June 12, 2011

A blogging lag

Ok so I a little bit think that blogging is like exercising or mowing the lawn or matching up socks - if you get out of the habit of doing it - it is hard to get started again.

I think it is one of those - so much to say - don't know where to start kind of things......

So - here goes

First off - we lost a dog this week. Penelope Anne the Pug died quite suddenly and it was actually very upsetting and to be perfectly honest - I don't want to talk about it. I did feel the need to mention it in the ol' bowheads blog because I have been blogging about her since we got her. I also think she is part of the reason that I have been stuck with the blogging. The whole - feel like I should say something - don't know how to say it thing.

Anyway - enough said on that subject.....

Frank the pug got a perfect bill of health from the vet yesterday - phew! (He did have to switch to diet treats and has been trying to figure out a way to stage a non violent protest.....)

The weather here is crazy - we did not get out of the 50's today. In 20 years I have not spent an entire day in June in jeans and a sweater and guess what - that is what I did today. I am not complaining mind you - that Texas heat is so rough and I am sure I will have plenty to complain about come winter so for now all I can say is - the weather here is awesome.

We went strawberry picking last week and I have been making myself strawberry smoothies and let me just say - so so so good.

For those of you that have followed since the cupcake weight loss days - I have started phase two of cupcake weight loss. I am calling this phase - the cupcake on skis phase because I figure I better be as light as possible when I start careening downhill this winter.

I am obsessed with pinterest and cannot stop pinning things. I get the best ideas and I love love love love that I can keep them all in one place.

Now I am rambling so that is good - the blogging juices are flowing - hopefully I will be able to come up with something witty and charming and wildly interesting for tomorrow......

Well - one can only hope.



Foursons said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dog. I know how hard that is.

On the other hand, I'm jealous of your temps right now! It is just as hot here as you remember. Putrid.