Friday, July 31, 2009

Where did the funny go?

I don't know what happened.......

I had the funny - really I did. I had all these funny posts in my head. I was typing away on my laptop working on my book - yes - I pretend I am writing a book but really it is just a journal of my rambling thoughts but anyway - I was typing away......

Then - the funny was gone...........

I have had literally zilch in the way of witty Facebook status updates - zilch! My twitter account is basically blank - I mean - it just seems to me like if you are not participating in a gazillion giveaways or having a huge life altering crisis or are not Ashton Kutcher - what's the point?

Posts - they just aren't coming to me. I could go with the inspirational - yes - tried that a couple of times this week but you know - you guys can only take so much of that before you get bored and move on the the next blog.

I have nothing dramatic going on in my life. No big medical issues, no real drama of any kind. This is actually something I am very thankful for - not so good in the blogging world.

So that leaves me with the funny. Surely I can do something funny - right?

But guess what...............

I lost the funny - oh wait..........

it's coming back to me now - wait a minute hold on - I have to run and listen to something in the game room................

While playing a game of hide and seek - the Little Buddy was in the game room sitting on the floor with a bucket on his head - little feet sticking straight out - singing to himself

"You not find me You not find me You not find me"

Wish I had a working camera up here - that would have really helped the funny come back. Oh well - you gotta start somewhere.


Foursons said...

Oh I hate when I lose my funny! Mine's been gone for a while now since I had to take an offending blog post down. You'll get it back. I've just been sticking to the predictible NMM, TST, Wordless Wednesday's, and Writing prompts from MamaKat. I try to work some funny into those posts, but gosh it can be SO hard! You'll get it back!

Happy Campers said...

I like to read ANYTHING you write, so funny or not, bring it on:) I can just imagine Little Buddy with a bucket on his head chanting...just precious!