Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I do it MYSELF

I had so much time waiting for him to close this door by himself today in the dressing room at swim class that I had plenty of time to whip out the camera, take a picture, sit down, send out a text, open up a pack of crackers for Zoe 

 The cost - 5 minutes of my life..... 

The reward - the smile on his face when he actually did it by himself - Priceless.....


Wendyburd1 said...

Awwww so sweet, and he DID it that's cool!

ashley b said...

Yay for his big accomplishment! It's funny how letting them do things can double, triple or quadruple the time but it is SO worth it! :)

Aunt Julie said...

We've got one of those here. She used to go to school with her clothes inside out and her shoes on the wrong feet!

Lesley said...

I love the picture...priceless

Tam said...

OOOO it was so worth five minutes...LOL

TisforTonya said...

what a good reminder for my day - I'm off to help a child make dinner... I often get a little too helpful in the interest of time, today I'll take it slow and we'll both learn more :)